All athletes participating in NCAA-certified non-scholastic events MUST have an active account in the NCAA Basketball Certification System (BBCS) – Basketball certification.
Athletes will use previous log-in accounts that were created and ARE NOT to create a new account. Only athletes that have not previously registered in the BBCS should create a new account.
A step-by-step guide can be found here Create a BBCS account.
Prior to coaching in any NCAA certified event, ALL coaches are required to register as a USAB Gold Licensed coach. That link can be found here. USAB Gold License coach registration.
After obtaining a USAB Gold License, a coach must then log into the BBCS to activate their account at BBCS account activation.
Only NEW coaches should create a new account. Previous coaches that have used the BBCS in the past should use their same log-in credentials.
For a more detailed guide, please click the following link. Detailed guide to coach registration.
For any further questions, please contact the High Major Sports staff or visit the NCAA certification page. NCAA certification page.
$550 Per Team

All event related questions should be directed to Larry Copeland at grassrootstourneys@gmail.com or call 616.329.3289.